CAGD 330

Blog Post 9

Book Presentation 


The first image above is my my first test render done in Substance Painter and below it is the render in Toolbag. There were issues that were difficult to solve with the Albedo channel when importing textures from Substance painter exports created a strange issue where the book textures would not accurately appear and instead appear as a milky white color instead. I believe this is due to the way that painter layers are exported and that they are different than Marmoset, which is extremely annoying. I think the only way around this if I had more time would be to separate out the parts of the models that are colored differently, something I should have done in the beginning. Otherwise, I believe that I have greatly improved my abilities in both Toolbag navigation and general Maya modeling since the beginning of the semester. This class's modeling practice was very much needed and enlightening, no matter what grade I end the class with.

Maya Primitive Models

Blog Post 9


Blog Post 8

Car Concept Prog Post 4

Assignment Details

This week I worked creating the side view mirrors of the car and adding finishing details on the model. The more I looked at reference images, the more I found I needed to add to the car. I am working on rendering early so that any problems with rendering I will have time to tweak and fix.



Blog Post 7

Car Concept Prog Post 3

Assignment Details

This week I worked on the finishing touches of the body and am almost finished with the bumper area. I also finished the tire using a helpful Youtube Tutorial. I learned how to instance an object using this tutorial and make that instance of an object wrap around in a perfect circle. This method was so useful when modeling a tire, as I would have originally gone about making the tread pattern by painfully modeling each area section of the tire and mirroring or duplicating it. Using the method in the tutorial, it was almost like drawing the design of the tread, and a plus was that it was actively editable for each duplicate. The tire may look too good compared to the rest of my car, which is kind of embarrassing. I really the car is showing good progress, some parts are a little bit odd on the model, but more tweaking is needed nonetheless. 




Tire Close-ups



Blog Post 6

Car Concept Prog Post 2

Assignment Details

This week I mirrored the car after putting the finishing touches on the body and I created a the beginnings of a tire rim. I was trying to make my edge flow neater on the car, which took a lot of time. 



Blog Post 5

Car Concept Prog Post 1

Assignment Details

This assignment entailed modeling a car from reference images. I used an image of the car from all angles as a background reference. My progress consists of creating the curves and being almost finished with the frame of my car. The model of the car I chose is a 1974 Mazda 616 Sedan. 

Below are progress pictures of what I have so far. I still need to smooth out the geometry and add conforming edge loops to a lot of it.


smoothed with wireframe


unsmoothed and wireframe

CV curves of the outline of the car

Week  6

Vehicle Assignment Reference

Week  5

Lego Car Final

Project Details

Body Body Body Body Body Body



Body Body Body Body Body Body



Body Body Body Body Body Body

Week 3 

Lego Car Progress Post 2

smoothed top image 

smoothed bottom image 

smoothed with wireframe top image

smoothed with wireframe bottom image

Project Details

This week is the final week before it is due so I continued to make progress on the Lego pieces. I also focused on making sure that the pieces could fit into one another like Legos do. One thing I also changed was the tops of each piece, in the first weeks I had bad topology on the top faces of the bumps of the pieces as well as the indentations on the bottom. I don't know how this happened, but it made it difficult to cut the faces of the model in half perfectly in order to mirror the piece along the axis. I went back to every piece that had crooked faces and straightened them using the multi-cut tool by first creating a star shaped face and then deleting every other edge so the piece could be cut perfectly in half along its faces. 

Above is an example from the previous week, and notice that the top faces are slanted in the cross shaped quads with difficult topology. 

This is a screenshot of the tops of the models this week unsmoothed with wireframe. Differing from the image above this one, I manually used the multi-cut tool to cut into the tops of the pieces and now the cross shaped faces coenside with the topology of the piece a lot nicer and allow for a faces deletion to be made directly in the center of a 1x1 area of the Lego piece. 
The same as above goes for the bottom of the pieces, as the cross-shaped faces looked the same last week as the slanted crosses from the top faces on the bottom indents. This image of the wireframe unsmoothed pieces indicates that the crosses on the bottom indents are now vertical facing and not slanted.

unsmoothed bottom of pieces

unsmoothed top of pieces

Week 2 

Lego Car Progress Post 1

Project Details

The purpose of this project is to create a simple Lego car by modeling each and every Lego piece individually and then assembling the car piece by piece with a tutorial as a reference. This post consists of my progress on modeling the Lego pieces in Maya so far. 

The progress that I have made within the past week consists of the three most basic pieces: the one by one piece, the two by one piece, and the two by two piece. 

Each Lego piece's top is similar to one another in order for all of the pieces to fit together in real life, which makes it simple to model the many variations in pieces after you have modeled the one by one.

 It is interesting looking so closely at Lego pieces. I had originally thought that each piece's bottom extrusion was exactly like the two by two piece, however, the bigger pieces only have a single bottom extrusion per every other top piece. 

Week 1 


Project Details

This project entailed creating a faucet in Autodesk Maya out based on a provided tutorial. The beginning of the project consisted of adding primitive models into the scene and using the extrude, bevel, and multi-cut tool to create a complex model based off of a reference. Then, selecting the model, press the 3 key to double the geometry and allow the low polygon object to appear smooth. 

The purpose of this project was a to be a refresher on the basics of complex modeling in the Maya software.  

Problems and Solutions

A problem that I encountered was that of my line flow on the model not being fluid enough so that the base were to be selected within one edge double click selection.  I solved this by tweaking with and moving around vertices and edges, as well as use the multi-cut tool to fence around the model until the lines were flowy enough to be selected. 


Portfolio Presentation
